
Monday, July 26, 2010

tired eyes, tired minds

Vacation part six.

Me and Alex did something of a mini photo shoot because there were so many great places to take photos. He wasn't very cooperative and we were all tired so we didn't get anything amazing but overall I was mostly happy. :)

Caught texting! haha. This beautiful dog is Mollie. Grandma Margie and Pop's dog, she's about ten or eleven years old and she's the sweetest dog ever! (except for my dog and Bandit)

Did you notice the new logo/watermark/thingamajig? I designed it myself! (I'm a big girl now ;D) I'm really excited about it. It needs a little tweaking and I want to add either my blog link or Linden Tree Photography or something but I haven't decided on a font yet. I might fade it out a bit in later photos as well.

Well, that's it for vacation photos! I know, I know, I took way too many. I get a little camera happy, haha! But overall it was really nice to get away for a while, spend time with family and visit some really cool places. Thank you so much Grandma Margie and Pop for putting up with our three ring circus all week and everything you did and have done for us! I love you guys.

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