
Monday, October 4, 2010

monday inspiration: lacking motivation

I really like to get these out Sunday night but this week it just didn't happen.
to be honest, I'm really not feeling Mondays this week. I mean, I'm not usually too keen on them anyway but I'm really not excited for this one. I'm sort of lacking in the inspiration department. so maybe my readers could help me out here, eh? what's inspiring you this Monday?

see, I have to leave for work in a few minutes and it's kind of bumming me out.

in the meantime, I'm trying to look at the bright side. I had a fun (but rainy!) week at the beach last week. major photo spam coming your way soon. well, as soon as I get on the ball and edit the almost 1000 photos I took. yep, I filled up both memory cards + a roll of film.

some of my favorite parts: slow mornings spend drinking tea and reading The Anthologist

the lovely view

acoustic jam sessions (okay, so I was not apart of this but I witnessed it and it was awesome)

 playing (beasting) uno with my family

heart bokeh (I'm in love), my stripey sweatshirt, and feeling motivated.

still not looking forward to this Monday. but on the upside, I'm trying to get together and talk with some of my models about some ideas. I'm ready to get some real shoots scheduled! I got some cool backgrounds and such for indoor stuff too I want to experiment. trying to focus on the fun stuff :P
but yeah.
someone inspire me!


Aubrey said...

Ann Rucker and I want to schedule a session with you for when she comes back for Christmas! We already have some spots in mind!

I'm SO excited about hanging out with you and shooting some super pics! Also I would love to some shots of just me at some point so lets talk soon, girlie!

You are an amazing photographer and you will get your inspiration back-we all have off days!

<3 Aubrey

Aubrey said...

totally meant to say Anna Rucker. . . haha