
Monday, June 14, 2010

Mayday Parade live at Lincoln Theatre

In the car.
Dude. . .that is Brooks Betts you see standing out there.

Me and Alex were so tempted to jump out and run up be all like "Dude! You're Brooks Betts! You're awesome! Can I touch your hair??" haha.

First band, Sparks the Rescue. They were really good live except that they were disgusting. Mostly the lead singer. The attitude/language was just disgusting. No other words. And it's a shame cause they were actually good live. I might have bought a CD. And I'm not a prude, I swear. But it was terrible. Haha.

Sing it Loud. They were okay. They sounded okay but they weren't amazing. Didn't blow me away. But the synth player was a beast and they were pretty good. But. . .I didn't buy their CD either :P But I do recommend checking out allll of these bands. 

A Rocket to the Moon. A lot of the stuff sounded the same and they got old and me and Alex were like "DUDE! YOU SAID THIS WAS THE LAST SONG THREE SONGS AGO! WHERE IS MAYDAY??" haha but they're good.


Mayday Parade. They were pretty awesome, naturally. Video of first song and intro.
You should also check out my bro's channel. He posts beastly drum covers.

"And this never will be right with me, and now you're trying desperately but I'm tongue-tied and terrified of what I'll say. And we both go down together, we may stay their forever, just try to get up. And I'm sorry that this wasn't easy, when I asked you believed me, you never let go. But I let go." - I'd Hate to Be You. . .

"You're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks
And you're gonna burn the city down right now
Whoa whoa, yeah" - Black Cat

*blah blah new songs* (new stuff sucks by the way, however EP & first album are really great. Lesson in Romantics makes for great summertime soundtrack)

I <3 Brooks Betts.

"Down and to the left (Here's the map and the pen; the place you pointed at), be California's best (All I ask, all I ask. . .)
And please don't tell me that I'm dreaming when all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with you.
If I roll over when it's over, I'll take this Cali sunrise with me and wake up with the fondest memories" - Jamie All Over (one of their best)

Haha I love that picture of Brooks above. "Cause baby you weren't the first, or the last, or the worst and I've got to fill the blanks in this past with a verse, we could sit around and cry but frankly your not worth it anymore" - When I Get Home You're So Dead

"Let's not pretend like you're alone tonight, I know he's there and you're probably hanging out and making eyes, while across the room he stares. I bet he gets the nerve to walk the floor and ask my girl to dance, she'll say yes. Because these words were never easier for me to say or her to second guess, but I guess that I can live without you but without you I'll be miserable at best." - Miserable at Best (boring and slow but pretty through the first chorus. Okay the whole thing is pretty but it gets old :P)

More lyrics:

"And you said it would be funny to keep me hanging in suspense, then I'd run over to your house and I'd scale the chainlink fence, that borders your back yard and then I'd climb through your window, and I'd whisper that I love you as you fall out of your clothes. And we'd lay there in the darkness like the dream of you I had where we captured all the fireflies and knew what time we had could be counted on your fingertips, that almost made you cry, you let me hold you tightly as we said all our goodbyes, oh. May I say I loved you more?" - One Man Drinking Games (way better than Miserable at Best, but has the whole pretty and sad thing + epicness)

"Let's write a song that we can sing to and you can lead the choir, and put the hook where it hurts most. And you threw a spark that lit the candle that set us all on fire, and sent a flame down the east coast" - Jersey

"Too late, I'm sure, and lonely, it's another night, another dream wasted on you. Just be here now, against me. You know the words, so sing along for me baby. For Heaven's sake, I know you're sorry, but you wont stop crying, this anniversary may never be the same. Inside I hope you know I'm dying, with my heart beside me, in shattered pieces that may never be replaced, and if I died right now, you'd never be the same. I can't forget you...
I know you want me to want you, I want to..." - Three Cheers for Five Years (also ten times better than Miserable at Best but that one is more popular *sigh*)

Alex, Derek Saunders, and Me after the show

Alex and Brooks Betts

Brooks signed my arm cause I forgot to bring something hehe. But I wasn't that stupid, I mean, I washed it. Geez. But it was fun haha. Alex got his album signed by the entire band (excluding Jason Lancaster who is no longer in the bad *is sad* but is in an almost equally awesome band Go Radio)

 Mayday Parade put on such a great show. I love some of their songs but they really aren't my favorite but dude, after the show I liked them so much better haha. Anyway. Hope you enjoyed the photo-overload and check out the bands!

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