
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

country times.

I've been dying to shoot this lovely lady in her amazzing house/yard/home-place since November and it finally happened! Recently Sarah-Anne has also gotten into photography so I suggested a double shoot. I'd model for her and she could model for me and we'd both end up with some awesome photos. Win-win! Here's my side of the story:

gorgeous, non? in black and white and in color :) (but I do happen to show preference to this black and white. I just love the overall effect here :D)

she was great with posing too! I got so excited, there were so many places to shoot in her yard. I was literally like "OMG! Go stand over there, and, and, do something awesome! I mean, DUDE! Have you SEEN THIS PLACE??? Oh my god the light! Oh my god looooook" the WHOLE time. (yes, I get a little excited about these things, hehe) but she goes up there and stand there with her arms in the door and is all "like  this?" and I'm like "YES! freeze! Perfect! Ohmygosshhhh" hahaha. I was/am hyper.

simple, natural, BEAUTIFUL Sarah-Anne. <3

(a happy accident)

we mostly stuck to shady places because it was still pretty early when we started and when I saw this wall I knew it'd be perfect. . .but not in gray! So we both went in and changed into something colorful (just wait till you see my crazy outfit XD)

AGAIN WITH THE POSING! She's a natural ;)

gahhh stop being so gorgeous!

LOVE the moodiness. teehee.

didn't love the lighting but. . I kinda have a soft spot for this photo.

Dinner and one more outfit change. . .(dresses just in time for sunset!)

!!! the moon!

I said "sit down in the middle of the grass in this general area and look pretty" and this is what she gives me.
!!! love this girl.

Sarah-Anne and her camera as I climbed the ladder (in shoes ill suited for the job) to the tree house thingy?

(I love the moon.)

And her dad has this sweet tat that I've been dying to photograph ever since I first saw it. I finally got my chance! Even though by the time we got out there the light wasn't ideal, I think we got a couple of good shots.

If I remember correctly (he told me about it last year. . .) the tattoo is the initials of his family and he designed it himself. It took him five years of praying and designing and looking for the right artist but I think it payed off!

Thanks so much Sarah-Anne (&fam)  for having us over and letting me take photos of your beautiful face! And to Mr. Tom for letting me photograph his tattoo.

Check out part one of her side here and watch her blog for the rest!


Sarah-Anne said...

no words, linds. mostly because i don't know where to begin. so. many. pictures. to. choose. from! ahhhhh....

Sarah-Anne said...

oh, i know what it was. 1) i need to quit smirking. not cool, SA. 2) i'm moody, like you said. i need to work on that too. mama and clark couldn't get over the fact i looked so tired. clark even said something about me being a vampire or something. don't mind him; he's a mental case. :)

Anonymous said...

Lindsay, Not sure where to begin - still in awe of your talent! My opinion might be a little bias but the model on this shoot didn't hurt, eh?! Speaking of my sweetie Sarah-Anne of course. Thanks for making me look good in the tat photo, I will have to check out the others when I can.
Thanks again, I simply love looking at your pictures, and for the inspiration for Sarah-Anne.

Emily Nicole said...

I LOVED all of these pictures, Linds! You're such an awesome photographer and I love your style. Great job! You might need to teach me a few of your little tricks one day...*wink* :)

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

The english language is not my primary language, however I can understand this using the google translator. Fantastic post, keep them coming! Thanks a lot!