
Thursday, July 8, 2010

shut up and let me go

My amazing friend Brooke just got back from a missions trip to the Dominican Republic, turned eighteen, and got a tattoo so we had to do a photo shoot to celebrate!

Photos taken and edited by me, everything else by Brooke, I just did a bit of eyeliner and loaned her the plaid shirt.

The advantage of having your model drive you around is you get to take pictures of her beautiful face in the car.

We picked up a friend of Brooke's along the way. Her name is Amber, isn't she gorgeous? And she has these really intense eyes, so pretty. I'm going to have to get her to model for me some time.

Here's what Brooke says about her tattoo: "My tat says Ekklesia, meaning church; congregation. I got it because the cross connecting to the heart symbolizes that the body of Christ is all one. Christ connects all believers."
It looks so great! She'd only had it a couple days when we took these and it hadn't started scabbing yet. It turned out really beautiful and totally Brooke. I'm excited for her.

1 comment:

Kimberly June said...

Gorgeous girls and awesome concept for the tat!